• 전원 & 가속기 컴포넌트
전원 & 가속기 컴포넌트
  • Fast Ferrite Tuners / I-Q-modulators
    • 모델명 : Fast Ferrite Tuners / I-Q-modulators
    • 제조사 : ATF
    • 원산지 : Germany
제품특징 제품사양 자료실      

Tuning for phase shifters and stub lines

At AFT we define the notion "Fast Ferrite Tuner" (FFT) as an electronically controllable reflection phase shifter and

inductive stub lines made of ferrite filled waveguide structures.

These elements are equipped with a fast electromagnetic system and are primarily used in the following passive subsystems:
for automatic impedance matching of antennas and applicators

  • for tuning of accelerator cavities
  • for amplitude phase modulation (I-Q-modulation) of high-power
  • signals.

For these systems we develop overall solutions, which apart from the relevant microwave components

also include control electronics and if necessary power supply.

Example: I-Q-modulator for variation of amplitude and phase for scientific acceleration. 




제품특징 제품사양 자료실